Visuality and the railway in travel literature: “En el lago Pátzcuaro” recovery of a story by Rubén M. Campos


  • Diana Marisol Hernández Suárez Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas



From a study of the "archeology of the media" in the production of artistic imaginaries, the interest in recovering from the pages of the Modern Magazine of Mexico the story “En el lago Pátzcuaro" by Rubén M. Campos is to show how the railroad impacted the production of artistic stories in an effort to recount the poetic experience of the journey through the national territory. The railroad, as an artifact that produces looks, would bring with it a process of aesthetic transformation for the production of visual reproductions in the literary press of the Mexican turn of the century. It's specifically interesting to show this story as an example of how the technologies of the gaze, photography and illustrations, enable the appearance of hybrid proposals for the representation of the travel experience, an aspect that appears linked to the development of the railway as a means of communication and transportation.

Author Biography

Diana Marisol Hernández Suárez, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas

Doctora en Filosofía, con especialidad en literatura latinoamericana, dentro del Colegio de Graduados “Entre espacios. Movimientos, actores y representaciones de la globalización”, en el área Literaturas y Culturas Latinoamericanas, de la Freie Universität Berlin. Maestra en Letras Mexicanas y la Licenciada en Lenguas y Literaturas Hispánicas por la UNAM. Líneas de investigación estudios de la prensa, estudios de la materialidad y del impacto tecnológico sobre el arte, comparatística, representaciones estéticas del ferrocarril, estética política, configuración de imaginarios, estudios culturales e historia intelectual. Actualmente, investigadora posdoctoral del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas. Integrante del grupo de "Comparatística y Globalización. Instituto Juan Andrés", Madrid-Alicante.



How to Cite

Hernández Suárez, D. M. (2023). Visuality and the railway in travel literature: “En el lago Pátzcuaro” recovery of a story by Rubén M. Campos . Valenciana, 16(32), 37–80.