Post-Latin Americanism, Post-Occidentalism, and the literature as a place of resistance: The Case of by Recado confidencial a los chilenos by Elicura Chihuailaf


  • Ana María Rodríguez Sierra Universidad de Concepción



In the book Teorías sin disciplina, theorists Santiago Castro-Gómez, Alberto Moreiras and Walter Mignolo, question the discourses produced on Latin America from the American and Latin American academy notably influenced by the vision of the northern country. They postulate the need to produce new discourses linked to the local and the diverse in response to the current globalizing homogenizing impulse. Here, we present an account of the reflections of these theorists and exemplify them through the dialogue of the theories with the literary work of Elicura Chihuailaf entitled Recado confidencial a los chilenos

Author Biography

Ana María Rodríguez Sierra, Universidad de Concepción

Historiadora por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. Magíster en Historia de la Universidad de Concepción (Chile). Doctora en humanidades de la Universidad EAFIT (Colombia). Estudiante del doctorado en Literatura Latinoamericana de la Universidad de Concepción. Miembro del grupo de investigación Historia, Trabajo, Sociedad y Cultura (Categoría A en Colciencias).



How to Cite

Rodríguez Sierra, A. M. (2023). Post-Latin Americanism, Post-Occidentalism, and the literature as a place of resistance: The Case of by Recado confidencial a los chilenos by Elicura Chihuailaf. Valenciana, 16(32), 231–258.