A historical-philosophical analysis about the measurement of time in biblical chronologies


  • Carlo Del Razo Canuto Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia




This article analyzes the different challenges that biblical chronologists faced when trying to calculate the date of Creation during the historical period known as Late Antiquity until the 17th century, challenges such as: When was the exact moment of The Creation? Or how can we calculate that time? From a historical philosophical analysis are exposed the conceptual, epistemic, methodological and cognitive difficulties faced by chronologists in their attempt to establish a time scale that would allow them to date absolutely all human history including the origin of the World. The philosophical questions sketched here are about the role, representation, evaluation and epistemic limitations of time scales.

Author Biography

Carlo Del Razo Canuto, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

* Phd. in Philosophy. Universidad de Guanajuato.* "Medición científica en arqueología: la medición del tiempo y la historia profunda en la arqueología del Siglo XIX"* ENAH-Teacher.

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How to Cite

Del Razo Canuto, C. (2019). A historical-philosophical analysis about the measurement of time in biblical chronologies. Valenciana, (23), 227–265. https://doi.org/10.15174/rv.v0i23.412