A new order in madness: dissipative structures in Desde los blancos manicomios, by Margarita Mateo Palmer


  • Lilianne Lugo Herrera University of Miami




This essay analyzes the novel Desde los blancos manicomios, by Cuban author Margarita Mateo Palmer, using some scientific concepts, such as Ilya Prigogine’s dissipative structures, entropy, and Benoit Mandelbrot’s fractals. This analysis will show how the protagonist’s main characteristic, its madness, as well as the fragmented structure of the novel, the different narrative voices and the intertextual play, allow a critical and feminist reading of Cuban and Caribbean literature. In addition to that, the protagonist’s madness can be interpreted as an expression of a social disorder and a fractured world. That fractured world coincides in the novel with the Cuban reality of the 90s and the 2000s, years of a profound economic crisis after the fall of the Soviet Union and the socialist bloc. Finally, the essay will argue that the novel can be read as a reaction of the protagonist to search its feminine intellectual agency, in order to confront a normalizing and chauvinistic society.

Author Biography

Lilianne Lugo Herrera, University of Miami

PhD. Candidate in Literary, Cultural, and Linguistic Studies, Modern Languages and Literatures Department, University of Miami 

Licenciada en Dramaturgia por la Universidad de las Artes (ISA), La Habana, Cuba

Lugo Herrera investiga el teatro y la literatura caribeña y de sus diásporas, tanto en lengua española como francesa. En este sentido, Lugo está especialmente interesada en las relaciones de género, sexualidad y raza, y cómo estos elementos se entrecruzan en textos contemporáneos. 

Publicaciones recientes: 

“Cuerpo femenino negro en Repique por Mafifa y Ropa de plancha, de Fátima Patterson”. En: Reading Cuba. Discurso literario y geografía transcultural. Edited by Alberto Sosa Cabanas. Aduana Vieja, pp. 215-34, 2018.

“Teatralidad y picaresca en Rinconete y Cortadillo, de Miguel de Cervantes.” Anuario de Estudios Cervantinos, Vol. 13, Enero 2017, pp. 203-218. 

“Un teatro de la libertad. Reseña a Teatro y Estética comunitaria. Miradas desde la filosofía y la política, de Lola Proaño Gómez.” Gestos, Vol. 58, November 2014, pp. 198-201. 


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How to Cite

Lugo Herrera, L. (2018). A new order in madness: dissipative structures in Desde los blancos manicomios, by Margarita Mateo Palmer. Valenciana, (22), 193–216. https://doi.org/10.15174/rv.v0i22.392