The Outskirts of Justice


  • Óscar Ortega Ruiz



The present work aims to be a political reflection about the importance of the management of territory, understood as scenario of human coexistence. Through the analysis of contributions from authors of social and philosophical relevance, it stands the mutual involvement among the diverse conceptions of Justice and its manifestations in spatial realities. It warns about the implementation of certain ideological prejudices from a coercive concept of law, in the way we currently conceive the city, which carries significant social dysfunctions, including the perpetuation of marginality, inequality and exclusion. To solve these scourges, it proposes the implementation of strategies of social dialogue from positions free of hierarchical prejudices.

Author Biography

Óscar Ortega Ruiz

Arquitecto por la ETSA de Sevilla. Jefe de la Sección Técnica de Conservación de la Gerencia Municipal de urbanismo de Málaga. Mención Especial de los premios "Europa Nostra" por la Rehabilitación de la Chimenea Industrial de Los Guindos. Licenciado en Filosofía y Máster en Desarrollos Sociales de la Cultura Artística por la Universidad de Málaga.


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How to Cite

Ortega Ruiz, Óscar. (2017). The Outskirts of Justice. Valenciana, (19), Págs. 29–44.